Avery Middle School » Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

8th Grade Graduation Requirements

In order for students to participate in the graduation ceremony the student must meet the following:
Academic requirement:
  1. Students must complete 8th grade courses in Social Science, Science, Language Arts, Reading, Math, and Physical Education with a 1.75 cumulative GPA over the three trimesters of 8th grade. 
  2. In the third trimesters, students may have no more than one F in the above mentioned subjects. 
  3. Participation in the Celebration of Learning Interview.
  4. Alternative Individual Education Plans (I.E.P.) and 504 Plans may specify alternative promotion and graduation standards. 
Behavior Requirement:
  1. No expulsion for offenses occurring during 8th grade. 
  2. No more than 10 days of suspension during 8th grade. This includes an accumulation of detentions and referrals during 8th grade with three detention's equivalent to one day of suspension and one day of bus suspension equivalent to one detention. 
  3. Students who participate in actions that would result in suspensions/expulsions during graduation practice may be excluded from graduation exercises, activities, and /or ceremonies. 
Attendance Requirement:
  1. In order for students to participate in the graduation ceremony, students must be present for 90% of the school year. No more than 18 days can be missed with the exception of a medical situation requiring a doctor's note. 
  1. Students must have no outstanding obligations. All textbooks, library books and team uniforms must be turned in. All fees must be paid in full. 
Exceptions, due to special circumstances, may be granted only through an appeal to the VUSD Governing Board.