Teglene Ryan » April Information

April Information

Here's some information to keep you up to date for when we return to school after Spring Break on Monday April 13th.
The current plan is to continue distance learning through the remainder of the school year. I will do my best to keep your kids on track academically and will be adding some more options when we return in April. Meanwhile here are some things you can do.
If you like you can download, or just read it online, the April Activity Calendar (formerly know as the homework calendar) for extra learning activities to do with your child.
Take a look at what is going to be in the next learning packet that you pick up.
Look at the Kindergarten Learning goals (included in the parent packet).
The packets at the bottom for for download are the same as are included in your packet.
Check out Mrs. Ryan's Kindergarten Showcase and email me photos to add.
Find some learning videos to watch or watch again.
Do some GoNoodle
The go Hairy Chanel on YouTube has excellent and fun learn to read videos
Included in your latest packet is a bag of books. Have your child read two books to you each day. One "old" and one "new". Start with one new one on the first day :-) 
Your book bag may or may not contain sight word flash cards depending on your child's reading level.
kinder book bag directions kindergarten book bag set 2