Mrs. Ryan Kindergarten

Welcome families!
My name is Teglene Ryan and this is my 4th year teaching Kindergarten full time at Hazel Fischer. I began my teaching career in the early 1990's in San Diego County. I moved to Arnold in 1999 and began teaching part time at Hazel Fischer in 2000. I have three children: two in college and one who attends Hazel Fischer. I love teaching Kindergarten and am excited for another great year for the 2019-2020 school year!
Ryan family
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Mrs Ryan Reads, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! March 25, 2020

Today's story with Mrs. Ryan is The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog, with special guest star The Duckling, by Mo Willems.

How to Eat More Mindfully: The Science of Happiness

The kids in this video are being mindful eating an orange. What can you try eating mindfully? Can you eat like a scientist and notice how it feels, tastes, sounds? Give it a try!
Calendar for today! Today is Tuesday, March 24, 2020. Can you read all of the numbers? Can you say the pattern? Do you see where it was Noelle's birthday on March 21st? This Sunday will be Makenzie's birthday!

Phonics Lesson with Mrs. Ryan March 24, 2020

Practice your short vowel sounds and reading short a CVC words with Mrs. Ryan.

Mrs. Ryan reads, The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?

Mrs. Ryan reads the book, The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? by Mo Willems

Mrs. Ryan Reads The Pigeon Needs a Bath!

Mrs. Ryan reads another book about the pigeon by Mo Willems, The Pigeon Needs a Bath!

Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

Mrs. Ryan reads the book, Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus

Seasons Song

The Seasons Song is a Science song that teaches the seasons of the year. The Seasons Song teaches the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.