
RHR Vocabulary: Lesson 5: There is no "assignment" to do tonight, but PLEASE study/review your Lesson words/POS/and Definitions.
READING:  I Am Malala: Tonight read and annotate ALL of Chapter 3.  Here are some guidelines to use for annotating:
 Note Toor Pekai's schooling (short experience!)
 Make comments about Malala's father, Ziauddin's, view of schooling and education; what was his experience trying to get a college education.
Note how Ziauddin's father is a bit harsh!
How did Ziauddin finally get to go to college?
What was happening politically in Pakistan at this time? How did Ziauddin become involved?
New characters are important to note.
Notes about Ziauddin's first school was started; where/what was it like? what troubles did they have? What organization did Ziauddin become the president of?
What interesting facts about marriage in this culture did you read about?
What further troubles happened for Ziauddin and his school?
What new "home" did Malala and her family move into?
What major event was at the end of the chapter?
Remember, annotating is NOT just highlighting!! Take notes, remark on the events, ask questions in the margins!