Vocabulary Unit 9 Words
Week 1: manufacture, manage, mandate, manicure, maneuver
Week 2: centipede, pedestal, pedestrian, impede, tripod
Root words:
Week 1: man-hand
Week 2: ped, pod- foot
Vocabulary Unit 8 Week 4
Vocabulary Unit 8 Test
Read NewsELA Article about the high school making masks. Follow instructions at the end of the article.
JFK Book read and do the following study questions.
Hyperbole and Understatement Worksheets
Idioms Worksheets
All work is on Google Classroom or distributed in packets. Also, please drop off your copy of Chasing Lincoln's Killer, and pick up a copy of The President Has Been Shot.
1. Vocabulary Unit 8 Week 3
2. Read Virginia man buys groceries article. Follow the instructions at the end of the document.
3. JFK Book read pages (IX-15) and do the following study questions.
a. Beginnings
b. Early Years