Home Learning Information

Friday, April 24 at 11:30
I am inviting students to join me for a virtual picnic. I will send out an invitation (meeting code) to your email. This code will allow your child to join the picnic using ZOOM.  ZOOM can be used on a laptop, as well as on a phone. Students will be able to see each other, talk to each other and eat lunch together. If you can't make it on the 24th, don't be discouraged. I will be offering other dates soon. Your family may want to use this as an incentive for completing their school work. Make sure you download ZOOM to your device prior to the meeting. There is a free version. I am looking forward to a great picnic with all my first grade friends!
Welcome Back!
  • Home Learning Envelopes can be picked up at school on Monday, April 13.
  • Work is due back the following Monday (even if it is not entirely completed).
  • New weekly assignments should be picked every Monday.
  • Mini-lesson videos are posted M-Th on this website and on Google Classroom. The video content is standards based and will support the work included in the envelope.
Strategies are important behaviors that readers and writers need to develop in order to be proficient. Each week, I will add a few new reading and writing strategies. You can share it with your child and then help them to practice it each day. I kept a list in our classroom and we would review our strategies often.
The amount of time you can stay on track is called stamina.  At the start of reading time, set a goal for your stamina. Can you stay focused and read for 10, 15, 16 or 20 minutes?  You can even make a chart to track your stamina each day.
Write a variety
Students often get stuck in one type of writing.  Ask your child to write a variety of genre. 
For example: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Opinion, Lists, Letters, How To's
You can alternate a new genre each day.
Try something
Students may appeal for help when reading or writing a word that they find challenging. Instead of helping them with the word ask your child to "Try something". This will lead them to exercise the use of the phonics skills they know and make an attempt independently. If they still struggle, provide assistance at that point. Using this strategy will develop your child's independence as a reader and writer as well as their word problem solving skills.
Pause at the punctuation marks.
As students read it is important that they make a brief pause at commas and longer pauses at periods, exclamation marks, and question marks. This strategy supports fluency, phrasing, and comprehension.
As students begin reading longer text, they should pause at the end of paragraphs and pages. At that point they should Remember and Retell what they just read. 
Some Tips for Learning at Home
1. Set up a routine.
2. Be consistent.
3. Check the work and have high expectations for the quality.
4. Your child should read  ALOUD for 20 minutes everyday.
5. If possible (and not mandatory), document your child's learning time, as well as the activities you are providing. 
Develop Reading Fluency and Comprehension:
1. Have your child read a book aloud to you.
2. Ask the following questions: Who are the characters? Where is the setting? What was the problem? How was it solved? Did you notice any changes to the character (feelings, physical traits, opinions)?
Develop Written Language Skills:
1. Ask your child to keep a daily log/diary. Have your child write 3-5 sentences in the log every day.
2. Your child can plan and write a story. Edit the story and then put a cover on it (publish it) and then let them share it with the family.
Math Fact Fluency:
1. Compose 2 and 3 digit addition and subtraction problems with no regrouping (24 +13).