Be on the lookout...
Online Learning to begin Thursday! We did a check in class on Friday to be sure you could link up with the TCI site. We will be using Google Classroom, the TCI online textbook, TCI online notebook, and videos (either made by me or I will send links). I am looking forward to trying out some new stuff...a learning experience for us all!
7th: We will begin a new Lesson in TCI.
8th: We will have a formal wrap-up of the chapter...not necessarily a test as planned, but a type of closure assignment on Thursday via Google Classroom. Then, we will begin a new lesson. We will continue with Hamilton, but as you may have guessed, will not be attending the performance. I am very disappointed and honestly, downright crushed, as some of you may be too, but the theater is closed until April 30th under strict orders from the City of San Francisco. Money will be refunded. But, using song and theater in learning has been a new way of learning the material, and while some of you enjoy it more than others, it's good to expose all of you to different media in your curriculum.
Email me ([email protected]) or call my Google Talk number at (209) 498-8053 if you have questions or need help. I miss all your smiling faces...Stay safe!
Ms. H