Jessica Plowman » Links


GoNoodle offers lots of movement and relaxation activities. We use it in class for lots of different things; brain breaks, learning to control yourself and calm down and lots of movement!
ABC mouse is offering one free month and reduced rates
We have been using this in class and the kids love the stories. There is a wide variety and highly engaging!
Please use this website, I will send out some "assigned reading" and can also see what you guys are reading on your own. Have fun!
If you want to sign up for a free acct you can access almost all of the sight word songs that we sing in class. You can do a search for Heidi Butkus and whatever word you are looking for
There are a couple art lessons here through art in action
Get creative with Mo Willems, creator of Piggy and Gerald, The Pigeon and more...the kids love the books that Mo Willems writes
Age of Learning is offering free access to ABC Mouse, Adventure Academy and Reading IQ. Please use them for brain breaks and even as incentives.
Please use this website daily for math practice
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