Class Schedule

As a reference for what we usually do in class here is our schedule.  Please note that we typically work on something 20-30 min at most.  There are a lot of ways you can use the links to help break up the day, please ask for any support needed.
8:00-8:20 Calendar, weekly poem, and schedule for the day
8:20-9:45  Reading Skills Stations
 -sight word worksheets practice, and intro to new words
 -word games 
 -hand writing practice
 -sentence building and writing practice
 -guided reading practice
9:45 snack and story time
10:00 recess
10:15 Independent Reading (students read on their own, if they don't know the words they can "read" the pictures and think about the story line)
10:25-11:00 Math
 -direct instruction of skill
 -games and hands on activities
11:00 M, W, F PE (we typically start off with stretches, running a lap and then activities/games)
 -balancing skills, skipping, kicking, throwing and catching
 -turn taking, sportsmanship
11:00 T, Th Science, Social Studies, Art
11:30-12:10 Lunch and Recess
12:10 Choice Time (social skills and play)
Tues-music with instruments
Thurs-Singing Class
12:45 Recess
1:00-1:20 Read Aloud (we have been reading Zoey and Sassafrass, but you could choose any book and discuss the story line and characters a long the way)
1:00-1:50 Tues-Library: 1/2 the class goes to library for an activity and book exchange.  The other half stays for Choice time and then they switch
1:20 Wed-Computers:1/2 the class goes and the other half works on writing, social studies, science.  Then switch
1:20 Thurs- Choice Time
1:20 M, F Writing, math activities, social studies, art
2:00 Dismissal